
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Sitting in Vomit

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/29/2020 8:19:17 am PDT

re: #386 Eclectic Cyborg

Also, the past two recessions that preceded 2008, while nowhere near as bad as what we are dealing with then or now, ALSO happened under Republican Presidents (HW Bush in 91/92 and then W. in 2001-2002). And the worst of the Savings and Loan crisis happened when Reagan was President.

And before that, rampant inflation leading to wage and price controls under Nixon, followed by “stagflation” under Ford.

The economy did well from the previous Republican president (Eisenhower) because the rest of the world was rebuilding after WW2 (and we had a 95% top marginal tax rate).

Prior to that, Hoover and the Great Depression.

Wind back further, the Panic of 1893 (which was the worst depression before the so-called Great one) was under President William McKinley.

I can’t come up with any Republican president who didn’t screw the pooch on the economy, because after Lincoln, they’ve always been the party of big business, and big businesses want to own all the wealth.