
Rand Paul: Parents 'Own' Children, Not the State, So Vaccines Should Be Voluntary

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/02/2015 7:46:55 pm PST

re: #392 #FergusonFireside

Ya’ll, I’m trying.

I live North of San Diego for the $ saving experience.

I’m doing my best.

Went to the most wonderful Italian Restaurant local that I’ve never visited. Had Filet Carpaccio and a plate of mozz carprese. it was heaven.

Till the 2 couples at the bar strongly got into the fact that Obama is a poseur, and was born in Kenya.

I did my best body language freak out. Got my check and left.

I need to move. I need to change it up. There is really no hope here.

People like that are a good reason why not to engage in politics with anyone who you don’t know how reasonable they are and that sadly can include family and friends too.