
Joad Cressbeckler's Brokeback Mining Camp

Dark_Falcon6/23/2011 9:58:20 pm PDT

re: #391 windsagio

So lets see, The Groom’s party was dressed in Romulan-style outfits complete with sashes, etc, and the bride’s party was dressed as Federation. The main trick was to make the accents Trek related and not go overboard (so no prosthetics for the Romulans for instance), but rather to go with pins and such. Once we get pictures I’ll post some (with WUB’s permission since he’s in it too).

I’d say it was classy because it didn’t have the camp over-the-topness that trek weddings usually have (especially the damn sad Klingon ones).

Cheesy things we did not have: Fake Trek booze, prosthetics, made up languages.

Things we did have: Iconography (Romulan, Federation, IDICs), snappy outfits, excellent Lebanese food.

Sounds like fun.