
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

austin_blue6/14/2010 8:01:23 pm PDT

re: #370 ~Fianna

Yes. I’d love to see what kind of disaster response/risk mitigation plans they were forced to file. I have a feeling that they’re about 2 pages long and that I probably could have written it, which is disturbing.

The repercussions of this disaster are going to be felt for at least a decade both on an environmental and a human level, and it’s imperative that there be a long “lessons learned” process that we actually follow through on to make sure that we understand exactly what went wrong, who was responsible and how we can close gaps in the future so that one guy who is looking to make a good impression on his boss can’t make a unilateral decision that costs 13 lives and billions of dollars in damages.

Ding ding ding!