
WaPo's Richard Cohen: It's Not Racist to Feel Like Vomiting When You See Biracial Couples

wrenchwench11/12/2013 2:42:55 pm PST

re: #377 jvic

Angels and ministers of grace.

1. Cohen miswrote and his editors didn’t catch it. This is not grounds for stoning. The man was born in 1941, fercryinoutloud. (The faster that technology moves, the more likely it is that one, as age increases, feels surrounded by aliens who use a common language.)

2. As for learning earlier in life that slavery was a benign institution, I consider it unlikely that Cohen was taught that in the classrooms of Far Rockaway HS. However, it is entirely possible that he heard it on the playgrounds. I heard similar rubbish from my playmates back in mumble.


This is the most provocative sentence in Cohen’s most provocative paragraph. It should not have been published in its present form. Nevertheless, the Tea Party etc seem to be doing a pretty good job in suppressing their “gag reflex” wrt Ted and Heidi Nelson Cruz.

4. I am very reluctant to entertain the thought that the Web may be doing more harm than good, but partisanship in America has become insane.

1. Being born in 1941 is irrelevant. My dad was born in 1930 and he was never a racist (that I know of). How do you know he ‘miswrote’?

2. Ignorance is no excuse for a man who is a writer, and has been for so long. Presumably he’s a reader too.

3. The Cruzes are not interracial. And I don’t see why Cohen should not let his racist freak flag fly.

4. Yup.