
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

Boxy_brown3/12/2009 3:07:26 pm PDT

re: #328 eschew_obfuscation

First, Reagan while in California was in a transformation from Democrat to Republican philosophically. Second as president, he cut taxes and did support the pro-life movement rhetorically (there really wasn’t much to address in that regard during his term).

Sure, but my point was that there was “conservative” opposition to him, especially in the primaries and some of the things that he did as governor would have been harder for him to overcome in the partisanship that we have now.

I am not suggesting that we have a new Reagan on the horizon, but the concept that any candidate has to move to the center to get votes forgets that that is not leadership (that the country really wants), rather it is a sheep-like quality that makes a candidate end up looking like McCain….. weak.

McCain was not a strong candidate. I would have expected “conservatives” to take the alternative into account before staying at home on the couch though.

Moderates will move to a strong conservative leader.

Depends on the leader Ide say. Reagan was unique IMHO. Sometimes you have to go with the best you have until you can do better.