
Whitney Houston Dies at 48

Killgore Trout2/12/2012 7:58:35 am PST

re: #392 Gus

So Interpol is being used to arrest people for “blasphemous” Tweets. Fascinating. And there’s not comments at the Guardian. Now of course the cynic in me knows why there are no comments.

Welcome to the 21st century. [Cough]

It’s a tough issue. As mentioned earlier, Europe still has blasphemy laws on the books and still uses them occasionally. Europeans already restrict free speech by outlawing holocaust denial and banning Mien Kampf. European public opinion is pretty divided on issues like like publishing the Mohamed Cartoons. Even here in the US free speech isn’t protected as much as it should be. Most US outlets didn’t publish the cartoons as an act of voluntary self censorship. Special interest groups on both the left and right work very hard to get people fired for “offensive” speech and ideas and all too often companies cave in to appease the mobs.