
Overnight Open Thread

Macker2/20/2009 5:01:55 am PST

Good Morning Fellow Lizards. Yes, this is a standard greeting. Unfortunately, I’m still not in standard operating mode….
I’ve been off work for more than a week, due to an inflamed joint in my lower back, which makes it difficult to sit, stand, and lie down.
Thank God the “Lady E” (who’s pictured with me here!) is here with me to help take care of me. She’s been driving me around for my doctor’s appointments. It’s a long story which I’ll be glad to share at another time…suffice it to say that she’s my HS sweetheart…and we have pledged to each other that we want to spend the rest of our lives together…we have to work out the logistics.

Please pray for me…and for us. I’ll keep you posted.