
Fox News' Andrea Tantaros: 'Is The Obama Daughter Going On Birth Control?'

stabby5/04/2013 4:50:31 pm PDT

You know I started thinking about what the dynamic is that makes people like this so full of hate…

And it occurred to me that projection is usually a side effect of the internal effort it takes to impose unnatural control on oneself.

If you’re gay and you’re suppressing it, then you hate hate hate gays.

I think what’s being suppressed here is the ability to have any opinion that’s off the list of accepted dogma. You tell a religious nut what opinions God requires them to hold, and at great effort, on pain of absolute self loathing they force themselves to forgo logic and empathy and hold to those opinions.

And the hate hate hate that they have for those who disagree is their internal self loathing for their own ability to reason and feel contrary to dogma.