
David Gregory Hit With Yet More Gloomy Reports About 'Meet the Press'

1Peter G17/23/2014 9:48:18 am PDT

Perhaps if they asked some of the viewers, like myself, who used to watch the show, we could shed some light on the situation. I’d be happy to be of assistance. Simply put, Greggory sucks. He is terrible. As the epitome of the modern professional journalist his transparent concern for ratings and gets (fyi David, John McCain isn’t a get, he is a gimme) as well as evident reluctance to offend the feelings of his regular lineup accounts for about half of his suckiness. The balance is attributable to his personal lack of knowledge about politics or economics, or indeed, anything resembling an incontrovertible fact that might intrude on the carefully balanced false dichotomies he works so hard to construct. Does it get better on those rare occasions when Gregory rouses himself from his intellectual stupor to challenge some bullshit too odious to let pass? It does not. His technique in such a case is to ask almost exactly the wrong question, the better to let his guest double down on the bullshit and to follow up with no follow up . He does not have the intellectual capacity for this job. There is no way to fix that.