
Gov. Christie Shifted Pension Cash to Wall Street, Costing New Jersey Taxpayers $3.8 Billion

1Peter G18/26/2014 9:48:57 am PDT

re: #3 Skip Intro

It never was managed with their best interests in mind. Anybody who wasn’t an idiot could see that the pensions were being underfunded for years by successive governments. The last governor to event attempt to do so was Republican Meg Whitman. It was probably a mistake to make promises that could not be kept but they both did it, Democrats and Republicans alike. They watched their tax bases erode and industry depart. They watched commerce shift to the internet with the attendant loss of sales taxes. They did all this without stating the obvious which is that the only way to keep their pension and benefits promises was to substantially raise taxes and that would only have made the state economy worse. And whoever did that unelectable. Neither had the guts to do that so they successively kicked the can down the road. Now the public employees have a hell of a problem. They have to find some political party willing to screw over most of the citizens of the State of New Jersey so they can have all the benefits that those voters ain’t never going to get. I wish them luck