
Stormfront or SJW?

Nyet5/01/2015 4:00:39 am PDT

While I acknowledge that sometimes the hard left and the hard right are very alike (and by hard left I don’t necessarily mean what you call an “SJW”), is your own rhetoric much better?

There is a litany of horrors perpetrated in recent centuries by one particular group that is almost completely unknown in the West, even among educated and informed people. That group is Arabs. The horrors include:

1) Starting the African slave trade

2) Continuing the African slave trade long after Western counties abolished it

3) STILL, in 2014, enslaving hundreds of thousands of black Africans in countries such as Sudan and Mauretania

4) Ethnically cleansing at least 750,000 Jews from Arab countries after 1948

5) The Barbary Corsairs’ kidnapping and enslaving millions of Europeans and others from the 1600s until the Barbary Wars

6) Launching a war in 1948 with the stated genocidal intent to “drive the Jews into the sea.”

7) Carrying out a cultural and now possibly physical genocide of the ancient Assyrian people

8) The recent near complete elimination of the ancient Mandean people

9) Collaborating with and supporting the axis powers during WW2

(It should be mentioned that the later was not nearly universal in the Arab world, but for reference neither was German support for the Nazi regime, and yet Germany took responsibility as a whole.)


So, here we have an undeniable litany of horrors perpetrated by Muslim Arabs, any one of which would be widely acknowledged if it was perpetrated by a Western country. And yet from the Arab world we have heard no hint of responsibility, no hint even of recognition.

progressivezionist.blogspot. com/2014/06/its-time-for-recognition-truth-and.html