
Video: Stephen Colbert on Robert Mueller Interviewing Jeff Sessions: Big News in the Russia Investigation

Dr Lizardo1/24/2018 1:40:21 pm PST

Sorry to go OT so early, but I wanted to share this story before calling it a night.

A German man apparently discovered an 80-meter long section of the Berlin Wall in Berlin-Schönholz that’s still standing. He found this section back in 1999, and kept quiet about it until Monday…..he noticed storm damage and was becoming increasingly concerned about vandalism, so he finally reported his find to the authorities.

This particular segment of the Berlin Wall was erroneously listed as having been dismantled. The discoverer, Christian Bormann, says that this particular surviving segment is from the Phase I wall, which would’ve been constructed in the very early 1960’s.

Certainly, a fascinating historical find - there’s very little left of the Berlin Wall these days, and hopefully, steps can now be taken to preserve this bit of European history.

Link here, in English:

And with that, have a good one, Lizards.