
Now for Something Different: A Genuinely Creepy Horror Short: "Other Side of the Box" [VIDEO]

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/07/2020 5:19:19 pm PDT

CLed from last string (pbuh, and may she watch over us in this hour of trial)


Please dog, now that Bolsonaro is infected, please infect Trump. Please.

Wouldn’t it be a hoot if both of them bit the dirt?

You know, four years ago, I would never have said something like that in public. Four years of Trump and Russian stooges and their savage, moronic cultists, though, is something like a year in Vietnam: It is brutalizing in the sense of making one brutal and callous. It can harden your heart.
If this seems a stretch, well it is, but if Trump can compare his nightclub pussy-grabs to war service then I can certainly compare living under his barbarous regime to it. I actually served in Vietnam, and I know whereof I speak far better than he does.