
Andrew McCarthy at NRO: Shameless

iceweasel6/27/2010 12:23:58 pm PDT

re: #3 sproingie

Is “nirther” one of those typo-jargon things like “pwned” and “newsfroup” or does it refer to some specific strain of birther?

It’s from one of Pamela Geller’s illiterate rants. She had a type in a headline once — “Nirther”. LGF picked up on that and uses it to mock all birthers. It’s a nice way of not only mocking Geller, but the birther’s total lack of connection to reality and disregard for accuracy. Not fixing typos is the least of their issues, but a nice way of capturing their total lack of any sort of fact-checking.

(most of geller’s rants are riddled with typos, most hilariously including misspellings of her own name. I am convinced she mostly blogs while drunk. She’s certainly vlogged while drinking and appearing drunk, so this isn’t just an unsupported slur on my part, sadly.)