
Another Wingnut Myth Crumbles: U.S. Unauthorized Immigration Flows Are Down Sharply Since Mid-Decade

Buck9/02/2010 1:05:58 pm PDT

That is NOT really the issue that is coming forward right now.

What to do with undocumented persons when you find them? When they commit crimes, when they are discovered due to other law enforcement matters.

The Arizona kerfuffle is not about stopping them at the border, as much as it is what can States (should States) do once someone is discovered in the USA illegally.

“Sanctuary Cities” are named this due to the lack of enforcement of existing federal laws. They are not “Open Border Cities”.

The outrage comes from American citizens who are being labeled racist for wanting to do exactly what the federal law says they should do. Outraged to be labeled racist by Mexican officials who would never give sanctuary to illegals in their own country. Outraged to be reported to the UN Human Right cartel for wanting to pass laws that almost every UN member country has, and enforces.

If you are caught in the country illegally, you will be sent back to where you came from.

What does Iran do when they find some hikers walking across their border without papers? What would Mexico do? North Korea? Sweden? Costa Rica?