
When Libertarians get sick Obamacare starts to look pretty good

Steve Dutch11/14/2010 4:18:37 pm PST

“Depending on where you live, you cannot even cross a state line to get better/cheaper coverage.” Insurance companies can and do cross state lines. But they have to obey each state’s regulations. The “state lines” argument is a red herring. It’s really a demand that insurance companies be allowed to set up shop in states with weak regulations and then be allowed to compete on those terms in any other state. Actually, you can cross a state line. It’s called “moving.”

If you don’t like insurance companies, why don’t you and everyone else who agrees with you set up your own? Just raise a couple of billion in capital and you’re good to go. Should be a piece of cake. After all, people seem to think it’s easy when it’s other people who have done it.

“But if people want to voluntarily form groups, they should be allowed to pool their healthcare or savings together.” Well, people do pool their resources. It’s called creating a government. When business fails to live up to its responsibilities, people band together and elect lawmakers to change things. It’s not easy but it happens. Government is part of the marketplace. If you don’t want government interference, provide what people need at a cost they can afford.