
Gingrich to Visit Israel after South Carolina?

What, me worry?1/13/2012 9:10:09 am PST

re: #3 theheat

This love to Israel on Newt’s part is only to resonate with the Christian Zionists aka Shalom Christians. And what better way to promote peace than say Arabs had the opportunity to live anywhere else. He can follow this up by telling stateside Hispanics they should’ve stayed in Mexico.

Actually, he’s been very pro-Israel and very verbal about it as long as he’s been in politics, years and years. That’s never changed.

It’s not fair to compare Mexicans. The refugee status of the Arabs in unlike any other group of people. In fact, there were more than twice as many Jewish refugees at the end of WWII and yet they were all absorbed, by Israel, Europe or the U.S. The Arabs were never absorbed and still live in their mother countries as refugees. Why is that? It’s ridiculous.