
Where's the Coverage? PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Role in the Munich Massacre

Bob Levin7/26/2012 2:12:21 am PDT

re: #2 Sophia77

I read a lot and hadn’t been aware of Abbas’ involvement in Munich.

I’m surprised. Not kidding. I thought this was common knowledge. Even if it’s not, then what is actually needed is another Jewish newspaper that writes parallel stories.

For instance, Ynet writes about events in Israel. Those current events determine their copy. Jews need a newspaper whose copy is determined by other news agencies—the articles are re-reported with more accuracy and depth.

One article can, and should be about the Olympic controversy. A large section of that article would be about Avery Brundage, a Henry Ford style Jew-hater, who played a prominent role in the ‘covering over’ of the incident. Even the athletes were sickened by his behavior. Brundage was an Olympic political power going back to 1936, when he forced two Jewish members of the US team to withdraw from competition—since he didn’t want to anger Hitler.