
Voter ID Laws: Why Do Minorities Lack ID to Show at the Polls?

lostlakehiker10/02/2012 10:20:30 pm PDT

The answer to this is that DL’s shouldn’t be the last word in ID’s. The government that wants to have a voter ID law owes it to its people and to justice to see to it that for citizens, getting an ID is simple and free.

This makes for a certain expense, because the ID’s themselves cannot be simple. They have to be complex enough that forgery is nearly impossible. It’s also a bit expensive because the ID’s cannot be issued on flimsy evidence. Some sort of proof will be needed. If the proof is not right handy, this means a search through old documents or some other sort of investigation. That, too, costs money. States that want a voter ID law have to be willing to spend that money to do it right.

Is it worth it? As we have seen, with the numerous school test cheating scandals, and the recent cheating by a firm hired to register Republicans, where there’s a way, there’s cheating. Where there’s a wide open way—-? If you don’t even look, you won’t see anything, but that alone doesn’t prove there’s nothing to see.