
PLO leader calls for 'return' of W. Bank to Jordan

SanFranciscoZionist11/03/2012 8:29:31 am PDT

re: #3 Flavia

Wow, talk about blind to history! Does he really think that King Abdullah would ever forget what happened with his father & Arafat?? Is it possible to use the word “chutzpah” in this instance? ‘Cuz it fits like a dream (or, rather, nightmare)!

My theory is that this is aimed at Abbas, who is headed to the UN to ask for recognition for a state in the West Bank, and has made recent statements acknowledging Israel’s right to the pre-67 territory. Given that Kaddoumi is based out of Tunisia because he considered Oslo rankest treason, and wouldn’t move when the rest of the PLO leadership did,you can imagine how much he likes this. Meanwhile, Hamas is furious because Abbas is not even pretending to include them in local WB elections, and seems to be content to gradually leave them to themselves to rot inside Gaza while he junkets about trying to get the UN’s approval for himself.

Buckle up, folks. This is getting interesting. There’s an Israeli guy I know a little who used to be an IDF representative to PA leaders in the West Bank. He knows the players pretty well. I should drop him a line and see what he thinks happens with all this.