
Is Secession Bid More Than a Cry of Rage?-I Say Hell No

researchok11/19/2012 11:19:41 am PST

re: #2 Locker

Clearly, there is some of that but we have to be careful not to overreach.

You may be on to something.

Sore losers are a part of the game- and process. What I believe we are seeing here is a temper tantrum but one that isn’t the of the lying-on-the-floor-and kicking-and screaming-kind.

What we are seeing here is a reach out and try to hurt and cause as much damage as we can and punish as many people as necessary kind of tantrum

The first is selfish and self destructive.

The second is malicious, far reaching and abusive of others- and that is where I believe the focus ought to be.

Angry with your political adversaries? OK, so be it. Like I said, all part of the game, I believe.

However, lashing out, hurting and exploiting others and attempting to tear down the fabric of the system is a whole other thing
