
Vinyl's growth brings need for turntables

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/05/2012 5:09:12 am PST

I had a pretty big collection of vinyl, both my own and my dad’s, at one time. But they’re heavy and not so portable, so before I came to China, I digitized them into mp3s. (I was given a nice linear-tracking Technics turntables. My stepson has it now.) Then, I took the whole lot to Goodwill.

That was four years ago. Last summer, my son tells me he’s bought a turntable and has been picking up jazz albums on vinyl. Doh! I could have saved him some effort, if he had had the bug a little earlier.

I think vinyl sounds better (less the pops and scratches) than digital, but frankly I think it’s all in my head.