
Sarah Palin: I Was 'Banned' From Talking About Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers During 2008 Campaign

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/27/2013 11:14:15 am PDT

Honestly, I am still disgusted over her and her supporters using her Downs Syndrome son to claim that people on the left hate children with disabilities. That one really angered me having Asperger’s Syndrome myself as well as having had a great aunt with Downs. Her whole family outside Trigg and the oldest son just seem like nasty people. Whether it’s her oldest daughter deriding the President for being pro-gay marriage and getting pissy because POTUS said he talked to his daughters about the issue and Bristol made it out like Sasha and Malia only got their opinions on gays from Glee or when Bristol and Willow acted like homophobic ragists on facebook when someone dared criticize Mama Grizzly. Todd seems like a jerk too. We really got spared big time when we voted for Obama-Biden over McCain-Palin. I have no regrets about my vote because I think despite McCain’s relatively good health for a man his age, there’s a good possibility that he could have been incapacitated or even died in the first four years of his term making Palin the 45th president and that my friends would have been a disaster that would make the Buchanan presidency look decent.