
Outrageous Outrage of the Day!

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/13/2010 11:07:03 am PDT

Thank you, Wingnuts, for prompting me to read this frankly fascinating paper by our next Supreme Court justice. I probably wouldn’t have bothered, otherwise.

Whatever else she is, this woman is A) smart and B) really into the US constitution.

I’ve found the next outrage contained inside it— she looks at the way that Canada regulated obscenity/pornography and suggests it might be viable in the US. The reason for recommending it is that it helps to remove ‘taking offense’ from consideration about speech rights— a nice libertarian principle that will be swallowed up as they scream “Oh noes looking at foreign law is bad!”

Seriously, if you have the time, read the essay. It’s very damn good.