
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/22/2011 5:26:22 am PST

Barbour finally gives in:

Haley Barbour says he’d veto Ku Klux Klan license plate

Under pressure to address racial issues swirling around a potential presidential bid, Haley Barbour said on Monday for the first time that he wouldn’t sign legislation in Mississippi to honor a former Ku Klux Klan leader with a state-issued license plate.

“The bureaucracy denied it, the legislature won’t pass it and if the legislature passes it, it won’t become law because I won’t sign it,” Barbour told the Associated Press in an interview – a change from when he had earlier declined to take a position against the measure.


When originally presented with the issue one would think this to be a “gimme” as far as national politics is concerned - that Barbour took so long to state what he should have to begin with shows he is truly out in the boonies.