
Climategate Scientist Vindicated By Penn State Investigation

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/04/2010 11:37:36 pm PST

re: #397 MKelly

You folks just can’t help yourselves when it comes to name calling.

I have never disagreed that we are getting warmer. I cite the Armgah(sp) temperature readings as proof we are getting warmer. And I stated they argue a point no one disagrees with that the temperture has gone up since the middle-end of the Little Ice age. I also have stated on this site I am glad for global warming or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan would still be under several thousand feet of ice. So get a grip.

So please read what I wrote before you start slinging names around.

And I agree with the quote you cite about multiproxie reconstructs. They are of some value.

I just disagree with what Mann did and how he did it. Also the report you ask me to read agrees that Mann was wrong.

Conclusions are in the report to be read.

NO I call you stupid and intractable because you are.

You seem fail to recall that the entire reason for the report, which vindicated Mann, and is not wrong, and does not say he was wrong, said the word plausible, because it was answering a GOP charge that it was all implausible.

Get it?

Morons like you said it was implausible.

They say it is plausible.

Then a moron like you says plausible means wrong or not certain or whatever, when in reality it was a direct answer to the charges leveld by fools like you at the time.

The report completely vindicated him and the entire idea of using proxy reconstructions. It further brought multiple other studies which backed up the work.

But of course you could not be bothered to ever read and learn. You always bring the same shit, lies and cherry picking to the end of every one of these threads.

So that brings me to the main point.

You simply disagree with Mann and how he did his work?


On what basis?

Or let me ask that another way.

Who the fuck are you, a non scientist to disagree with the methodology of any scientist, particularly if you have not read it? What give you the right to spread aspersions about the work of a talented and dedicated man who is in the field, cited thousands of times, and actually knows what he is talking about?

Who the fuck do you think you are?