
Romney Blasts Secularism, Endorses Mixing Church and State

RogueOne12/18/2011 6:05:12 am PST

RE: the war on xmas. As an atheist I’m not sure why it’s supposed to bother me that most people believe in god and want to celebrate their xmas/Hanukkah holidays stringing up lights and christmas trees/menoras. I think atheists putting up billboards/displays antagonizing believers is more offensive than seeing the word “christ” displayed on the courthouse lawn.

OTOH, displays like the Flying Spaghetti Monster is hilarious. I guess the difference is one is using humor and the other is thin-skinned outrage. If it really bothers you that people believe that christmas is about the birth of jesus then you’re probably the one with the problem.

Then came the mannequin Luke Skywalker and signs celebrating the winter solstice. [funny] This month, a skeleton Santa Claus was mounted on a cross, intended by its creator to portray society’s obsession with consumerism. A pine stands adorned with tinsel — and atheist testimonials. (“I can be moral without religion,” one declares.)[thin skinned]

Members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are scheduled to put up their contribution this weekend. It’s a banner portraying a Nativity-style scene, but Jesus is nowhere to be found. Instead, the Virgin Mary cradles a stalk-eyed noodle-and-meatball creature, and the manger is surrounded by pirates, a solemn gnome and barnyard animals. The message proclaims: “Touched by an Angelhair.”[very funny]