
New Nonpartisan Study Concludes Sanders' Economic Plan Increases Federal Debt by $18T

Shimshon5/09/2016 2:04:22 pm PDT

re: #398 Testy Toad T

Do you know how that reads to the many millions of decent, hardworking Americans who happen to work in these fields to put food on the table? People whose votes one ultimately will hope to win for one’s preferred candidate?

“Exploiting citizens for profit”, FFS.

The horse carriage industry all found new jobs. Should the government have stopped Henry Ford from bringing cars to everyone? And do you think the government can run insurance without hiring tens of thousands of people? You act like everyone is going to be kicked to the curb and live in poverty with no chance for retraining. And yes, if you are part of industries like fossil fuels and insurance you are profiting off exploitation and harm to society.