
John Oliver's Disturbing Deep Dive Into Voting Machines [VIDEO]

ckkatz11/04/2019 9:07:43 pm PST

re: #395 stpaulbear

That’s such a cool song. The fuzz bass, harmonies, handclaps & cowbell on the chorus… One of my faves from that time.

My first real drum set was the same Rogers kit as in that picture, except mine had a blue and black zig-zag swirl finish (I can’t remember what they called it). Traded it in for a more hard rock Slingerland kit in the early and mid 70’s. I still have those.

My parents were unenthusiastic with the concept of me learning drums. The end result was I hauled a cello around for a while before losing interest in carrying it to and from school. A female cousin did persevere learning the drums and, I am told, ended up carrying the bass drums in the University of Michigan marching band back in the 1970’s.