
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

William Lewis7/26/2013 6:17:25 am PDT

re: #400 lawhawk

Report: Detroit Red Wings to get new arena. A state agency okay’d the $450m bond act that allows the Red Wings to get a new arena built near Comerica Park and Ford Field to replace the Joe Louis Arena.

Snyder has defended the bond act, over claims that the city shouldn’t be taking on this kind of project at a time when it can’t pay its bills and provide basic services.

I agree; the city shouldn’t be taking on bonding for this arena when the private entities that own the team should be able to do so if they want it badly enough. But at the same time, it would provide new jobs, help redevelop and centralize services/entertainment and help spur redevelopment in the city core.

Who owns the Red Wings and how much was contributed to the Governor’s election campaign? That’s what the real story is.

Honestly if I were in a state government I’d be fighting for a state constitutional amendment banning the spending of any public money on privately owned sporting teams. Only teams owned by the community should get assistance from the community, like in Green Bay.