
Snarky Puppy Guitarist Mark Lettieri Rocks: "Blockheads" [VIDEO]

Decatur Deb10/27/2019 10:44:03 am PDT

re: #399 Blind Frog Belly White

I’m not in any way praising Baghdadi, but honestly, is blowing yourself up REALLY a cowardly way to die? I know we want to portray him as a pitiful, weak guy who talked a brave game but was actually a snivelling coward when his own time came, but hes been trying to inspire followers around the world, to, you know, blow themselves up to kill us. So, I’m not sure how having him out the same way would be so demoralizing to his followers.

To me, the better put down is, he killed his children. Kill yourself, fine. But your KIDS? What kind of a monster kills his own children?

Find the common denominator:
