
AMA Endorses Health Care Reform Bill

iceweasel3/19/2010 1:46:06 pm PDT

It’s really an awful story. Tifanny Owens was an assistant manager at a fast-food restaurant, but her health deteriorated, and she needed time off. She was fired and left with no insurance. Three years ago, Tifanny Owens died at age 27 of pulmonary hypertension, leaving Marcelas and his two younger sisters to live with their grandmother.

The pain and tragedy surrounding Marcelas Owens was first identified by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who helped bring him to Washington to share his story at a touching event last week.

Limbaugh, Beck, and Malkin, showing the kind of restraint we’ve come to expect from leading right-wing voices, have gone after nearly everyone involved — including Tifanny Owens, who they say should have done more to find government programs that might have helped her (as if it’s the dead mother’s fault she died, after failing to find government programs that Limbaugh, Beck, and Malkin oppose anyway).

“I would say this to Marcelas Owens: ‘Well, your mom would still have died, because Obamacare doesn’t kick in until 2014,’” Limbaugh said.

More Dem plots to make the wingnuts look bad.