
Rand Paul: We Wouldn't Need Laws If Everyone Were Christian

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/24/2010 2:31:21 pm PDT

re: #382 ralphieboy

Then I can have indentured servants from Canada?

Well if you agree to the following conditions from the actual Jewish Law:

1. They are to be well fed - before you eat and to the same standard that you eat.

2. They are to be given shelter and clothing to the standard of your house. In other words, if you can afford silks and finery for yourself, they are not to be seen in rags and further, if you are to make a discretionary luxury purchase on your own clothing, you are to use those funds on their upkeep first. This is in line with the commandment of feeding the poor and clothing the naked.

3. You are absolutely prohibited from using them sexually - unless you marry them.

4. You will set them free, with parting wages after their period of indenture is up.

5. You will not cause them permanent injury or give them tasks that would seriously risk permanent injury.

6. If they are seriously injured when working for you, they are compensated by you - and usually immediately set free. If you are found negligent and can not pay the damages in such a case, the court might make you a servant to someone else to pay off your debt.

7. You have to have a functioning Beit Din (Jewish Court) that has such jurisdiction over you and the Canadian in question. Since civil law supercedes the authority of the Beit Din in such cases (and this is acknowledged by the Beit Din and has been since the Diaspora) the entire discussion is moot.