
The Tom Tancredo-Robert Spencer-Pamela Geller Convergence

Lidane9/29/2011 7:54:47 am PDT

re: #123 Dark_Falcon

A counseling session and a short waiting period (with those requirements waived if waiting would cause risk of death or physical injury to the woman) would be reasonable. How the counseling would be structured is something that would need very careful consideration, but I think a decent arrangement could be worked out.

OPTIONAL counseling or sonograms would be fine. MANDATORY counseling and sonograms, on the other hand, are not.

I would wager that most women these days know what they’re getting into when it comes to abortion. They don’t need someone forcing a wand up their vaginas against their will or trying to scare them with anti-abortion propaganda that tries to pass itself off as counseling.