
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

huckfunn8/08/2009 10:18:42 am PDT

re: #351 Cato the Elder

Right, because God forbid any union members [= un-American commies, nudge, wink] should attend a town hall meeting.

And showing up at said meeting with the intention of shutting it down is not intimidation, why, it’s self-defense. There are union members there! Commies! Thugs! By definition!

Dammit, don’t you understand the implications of the word union? Those people want to ruin our country!

The worst ones are the Union of Concerned Scientists!

Every time you hear the word union, folks, remember there’s an unspoken word lurking in the bushes. That word is soviet!

What’s that? A more perfect union?


Well said! What we are looking at is an attempted socialist revolution. The left will use any means including intimidation, gerrymandering by ACORN, deceit, judicial activism or plain old union thuggery to attain their goals. The hell with fightin’ fair.