
Wikileaks Gitmo Documents Released

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/25/2011 4:46:49 am PDT

re: #399 Shropshire_Slasher

Is a woman a bigot for not wanting a transgendered male in the woman’s restroom?

How’s this: she’s a bigot if she opens her mouth about it.

Just like I’m a bigot if I open my moth about how black people shouldn’t be in this restaurant.

We all have our private prejudices. We ALL DO.

But when they start running your dick face mouth on a board about it? Or get int he face of someone about it?

Then I’m done with them, just another self-important bigot trying to dehumanize someone who’s already experienced more pain than any self righteous so-con woman could ever dream of.