
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/28/2013 9:57:28 pm PST

re: #394 ProBosniaLiberal

Hell, if I could have your help on the genealogy, that would be great.

Well, it all turns into legend at some point.

The old (Christian) Kings of Wessex claimed descent from their Druid ancestors. Some researchers have claimed that the earliest of these Kings claimed descent from …. Joseph of Arimathea.

Yes, that Joseph of Arimathea.

I consider it all bunk. The early Christian kings tried to legitimize themselves in the eyes of their subjects, and to make themselves look important pulled characters out of the Bible (which the Irish monks had just introduced to Briton.)

I take it on the word of my relatives that they have done the provenance all the way back to the Kings of Norway (and there were many because in those days 900- 1200, every little corner of Norway seemed to have a King), and the Kings’ ancestry to some of the pre-Norman Britons is probably pretty good, but going back too far before Alfred the Great and things get very, very murky.