
Video: Donald Trump Says He Could Murder Somebody and Not Lose Voters, and the Crowd Laughs

Blind Frog Belly White1/24/2016 10:21:50 am PST

re: #387 Targetpractice

You want a better example, compare BENGHAZI!!!! to 9/11.

It took a year and a great deal of public pressure for the White House and Congressional Republicans to agree to allowing a commission to be convened to investigate the events behind 9/11. Benghazi? They went to work inside 3 months.

There was one commission for 9/11, which worked under strict rules, had a severely inadequate budget, and could not get any cooperation at all from the White House. Benghazi has had 7 committee investigations and counting, each with unrestricted budgets, and each operating with virtually little to no control from the party leadership.

When the 9/11 commission’s report was finally published, it was declared the “final word,” it’s conclusions considered definitive, and no further investigations were permitted. Meanwhile, every single report that has been produced on Benghazi has led to screams that “there’s still questions!” and yet another committee was formed.

There was roughly 2 years between 9/11 and the release of the commission’s final report. Benghazi was overly 3 years ago and there’s no end in sight.

I think the difference relates to the difference in how Liberals and Conservatives see Truth. When Liberals asked for an investigation into why 9/11 happened, Conservatives generally balked. This seems nonsensical - clearly understanding why the worst attack since Pearl Harbor happened, and how something like that could be prevented in the future is critically important. An investigation to reveal those things is a no-brainer.

That’s if you see investigations as a way of discovering the truth, wherein you reach your conclusion based on the investigation. You dig everywhere you can think of, and follow any leads that appear. But that’s not how the Right understands it. To them, you do an investigation to find evidence of what you already “KNOW” is the “TRUTH”.

In the case of Benghazi, they “KNOW” that Obama and Clinton somehow betrayed the country in some awful way that will turn all Americans against them. They MUST HAVE, so the investigation is about proving that. That’s why they keep investigating, because they haven’t found anything, which means they haven’t dug deep enough. Every question they asked has been answered, every theory disproved, every claim debunked, but that just means the REAL proof is buried DEEPER!

So, if you look at investigations from their perspective, they presumed that any investigation of 9/11 would just be a witch hunt to prove the Bush Administration’s complicity. It’s what they’d have done. That’s why they opposed it.