
Rush Limbaugh Questions Oil Spill Timing

What, me worry?4/30/2010 4:38:26 pm PDT

re: #389 iceweasel

Whee! Love that! Father ted rocks. Hope you like it.

BTW, are you still asking people for how they guess your political affiliation? I’ll throw down:

Socially lib (mostly)
Identifies as libertarian generally, but has issues with many if not most libertarian movements (Note to haters— IS NOT RON PAUL SUPPORTER)
Census form sez vampire and Sith lord.

How’d I do?

It’s funny, there’s a perception of liberals that they want huge government, more government the better. It’s not true. In fact, we don’t want gov intruding on our private lives (sex, abortion to name 2). In that way, it’s libertarian. But we do want government available in case we need it, as in housing, food, healthcare, savings. Although I wouldn’t call social security savings. I’d also say you can’t live on it, but sadly many seniors do, in fact, live on their SS, some less than $12K a year.

I thought for awhile I was libertarian, but I don’t believe they support social programs, so I couldn’t go there.