
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/26/2012 11:30:21 am PDT

re: #405 Big Steve

You’ve asserted I should give Romney respect for running. You haven’t actually given a logical explanation for why that should be true.

Romney has a lot of positions, a lot of them, that I find truly morally abhorrent. His bigotry towards gay people alone turns my stomach.

But mostly, I’m opposed to Romney because of the bullshit that he emanates on every subject, the completely contradictory promises he makes, and the irreconcilability between what he says on one day and what he says on another.

It may comfort you to pretend that this is unreasoning hate on my part, but it’s not. I’m adamantly opposed to Romney because of actual reasons based on his actions, positions, and policies.

Why do you feel the need to insult other people by claiming that they’re brainwashed? Where does this arrogance come from?