
Nightmarishly Beautiful Animated Film: Jo Jo in the Stars

Kragar3/08/2013 9:07:40 am PST

Wiles: ‘Gay Rights Fanatics’ Are ‘Going to Get Us All Killed’

A few weeks ago, we started listening to Rick Wiles’ “Trunews” radio program because we discovered that he regularly interviews a variety of Religious Right activists that we monitor here. But since then, we’ve begun listening just because his show - “the only newscast reporting the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ” - is also a cavalcade of insanity.

And yesterday’s program was no exception, as Wiles’ grew increasingly worked up about North Korea’s latest threat against the United States, which he blamed on “gay rights fanatics”:

Elsewhere in the program, Wiles declared that the “Fast and the Furious” scandal is part of an effort by the Obama administration to arm Mexican gangs who will then wage war on Texas and Arizona while the administration stockpiles ammunition to supply “Obama’s commie army”: