
Sunday Afternoon Open

Cheechako3/08/2009 5:55:26 pm PDT

re: #234 Ojoe

Ravens are probably one of the smartest birds. They will sit in the trees in my backyard and mimic the barking of my dogs. They sound just like my dogs and drive the dogs crazy. They can even meow like a cat. On garbage days they fly to the top of the garbage can, grab the handle with their talons and then fly/bounce up and down to get the lid off. They then knock the can over a spread the trash all over. Had to put bungee cords on the cans to stop them. At the grocery stores they will fly into the backs of pick-up trucks and eat any groceries stored in the pick-up bed.

At one time the local brewery stored their used mash out side. The ravens and eagles would gobble it down and then walk around drunk. They could’nt fly. They now store it in covered containers.