
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

Walter L. Newton6/14/2010 8:05:45 pm PDT

Hey… Rightwingconspirator… I see you are signed on… if you are monitoring… I think you have my email address… if you want… can you send me some mailing address… I want to send Dragon Lady something as a gift…

Ok… this evenings self serving picture of some of the jewelry work I did today… dedicated to RWC and Dragon Lady…

Left to right…

Leopard Skin Jasper, Andamooka Matrix Opal, Parrot Wing Agate and Morceni Mine Turquoise…

Image: 06142010_34_chokers.jpg

By the way Rightwingconspirator… do you have pics of you work somewhere?