
What's Really Going on Behind Texas SB 5

A Mom Anon6/27/2013 4:42:55 am PDT

I’ll hand it to the Republicans, they’ve managed to recruit some really devious and sneaky fuckers to run the show for them.

I’m not sure what the next steps are, but what we are seeing now is the result of plans that began when I was a kid. I know this because there were GOP meetings in my parents’ house when I was around 8 or 9(in the late 1960’s). I may have been a kid, but I sort of understood what was happening. As I got older, I never forgot what I heard. They were planning to take over city councils, school boards, any local and state level offices they could get to. And they did it, as we see. I’m not sure how to go about undoing all that without making the same pointed efforts in targeted areas, just like the GOP did over 40 yrs ago. The thing is, I don’t believe we have 40 yrs, if this crap continues, we’re not going to have a lot left to fight over.