
Neil Young Live With a Very Discerning Audience: "Homegrown" (Barnyard Edition)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/29/2020 1:14:50 am PDT

Woman speaks out after tirade at Trader Joe’s store in North Hollywood (with video)

TL;DR, she claims she did what any woman would do when she’s “harassed by a man.”

“I did what any normal human being, a woman, would do if she was being harassed by a man, not knowing if he’s a crazy man, so I started yelling in self defense,” she says.

The woman says she does not regret what she said during the encounter.

“Unlike whatever lies they are putting out there, I had no political agenda. I had nothing. They might use whatever else I said later in my anger, it doesn’t matter. What happened to me should not be happening to anyone else,” she says.

The woman declined to give any details about her medical condition.