
Herman Cain Don't Read

lawhawk11/17/2011 5:44:47 pm PST

This kind of nonsense really makes me wonder just what did he do for Godfathers’ Pizza. Then again, it could explain why their pizza is so awful. He just wasn’t interested in those details, reports, documents, etc., that might lead to improved product.

He has no business in the race to be President. A president has to be curious about issues and smart enough to ask questions about what he knows, what he needs to know, and what has to be identified down the road. A president has to be able to take lots of information from wildly divergent sources and distill it into a decision. Cain’s statements suggest the antithesis of what a president should be. He might be able to make decisions, but I wouldn’t say that they’d be informed decisions by any stretch; and that’s what he thinks his constituency thinks is most appealing. They want someone who shoots from the hip and doesn’t care about anything else.