
In the Name of 'Free Speech,' Conservatives Get a Guy Fired for Being Rude Outside of Work

simoom8/03/2012 10:32:45 am PDT

Another entry in real headlines vs Fox headlines:

ABC / Yahoo: Obama Campaign Sues to Extend Ohio Early Voting

President Obama’s re-election campaign has filed suit in federal court to block a Republican-sponsored Ohio law that mandates an end to early, in-person voting a full three days before Election Day this fall.

“The last three days of Early Vote are especially important to ensuring a free and fair election,” Obama’s Ohio campaign said in a statement. “We are moving forward in the fight to reinstate the last 3 days of Early Voting and ensure that all Ohio voters can make their voices heard this November.”

CNN: Obama campaign sues over Ohio’s cutoff date for early voting

The provision allowing the end of the three-day window first passed under an omnibus election reform law in 2011. Voters grew upset with other provisions in that law, so the legislature drafted a new bill to repeal that law in May before voters could vote on the measure in a scheduled referendum this November.

However, the new law passed in May retained the three-day window ban, prompting complaints from Democrats.

Opponents, [Secretary of State Jon Husted] said, don’t want an “accountability system,” one that “requires some level of personal responsibility to take initiative to get to the polls” or request an absentee ballot.


Fox Nation: Report: Obama Campaign Sues To Restrict Military Voting Obama Campaign Sues to Restrict Military Voting

Apparently you can restrict Military voting, not by effecting their voting options one iota, but by restoring the last 3 days of early voting to non-military voters (military voters never lost those 3 days). ///

h/t Balloon Juice