
Spider-Man #45: Spidey vs. Lizard

Joo-LiZ6/06/2010 8:34:41 am PDT

I dunno if it’s been mentioned, but a Turkish paper has released some of the “censored” photos of “activists” that were recovered. They clearly show the commandos being dragged downstairs, beaten and bloody.

In one such photo, you can see one of the “activists” holding a knife in the bottom right corner, but Reuters has decided they’d rather not let the world know, and specifically cropped it out.

I think this is one of those things Charles loves to point out — maliciously cropped photos by Reuters, where have we seen that before?

The original:

Image: LiveImages%5CFoto%20Haber%5C575%5C%C4%B0srail%27in%20sildi%C4%9Fi%20Foto%C4%9Fraflar%5CScreenHunter_59%20Jun.%2005%2023.24.jpg


Image: 610x.jpg