
New York Times Paywallocalypse

Targetpractice3/17/2011 9:45:04 pm PDT

re: #404 Walter L. Newton

The only insects and/or bugs that really bother me is flying stinging insects. That would be my Room 101. Snakes, spiders, whatever, no problem… bees, hornets, wasps… I scream like a little kid.

Up here, we are high enough not to get many wasps, except yellow jackets (fucking yellow jackets could survive on the moon)… we also get what know as “sweat bees” (don’t know the actual name), they are very small, very docile bees, rarely will sting unless trapped or something like that.

Bees don’t bother me as much as they used to, provided they don’t fly right up in my face. Wasps and hornets, I still hate to this day. But it’s spiders that I absolutely, positively cannot stand. The only one I can stand are Daddy Long Legs, and only because I know they’re pretty much harmless. Not much comfort when you live in a state that hosts the Brown Recluse and the Black Widow.